We Specialize in Lawn Fertilizer and Weed and Pest Control.

Get on our snow plowing schedule today.

3018 Nash Rd.

Brooklyn Center, MN 55429


Mon - Fri 9:00 - 5:00

Saturday - Sunday CLOSED



Plant & Shrub Care


We inventory all plants and shrubs in your landscape, noting the potential or existing problem areas or plant specimens, and then monitor the landscape for changes or improvements to plant health. We develop your landscape’s health by providing a continual feeding of nutrients and soil enhancers. Finally, if pest and/or disease issues are identified, we treat as appropriate, using the latest proven approaches.


Gardening services we offer


Lawn and Order Twin Cities  can help take care of a broad array of gardening tasks, some of which include:


  • Bush and shrub trimming
  • Flower planting
  • Weeding
  • Green waste disposal
  • Mowing
  • Edging
  • And more!


Plant & Shrub Disease & Pest Management


We regularly monitor your plants and shrubs and develop a treatment strategy around their needs. This could include:

  • Dormant oil sprays
  • Selective treatments for insect and disease control
  • Nematodes for root weevil control
  • And more


Mulching Does Wonders for Your Plants & Shrubs


Healthy plants come from healthy soils. In a natural forest, trees and plants deposit leaves, needles and other debris. As they decompose, they gently feed and protect the forest floor. In the well-kept landscapes of residential areas this natural cycle often does not happen. Instead, leaves and needles are raked away, leaving bare soil. The topsoil erodes, the landscape cannot retain vital moisture, and it lacks important nutrients and microbial life. Using high quality mulches will:


  • Add beneficial microbial life
  • Improve soil structure
  • Encourage earthworms to burrow, which helps aerate and drain the soil
  • Encourage beneficial insects, which prey on insect pests and help prevent future infestations
  • Suppress weeds
  • Reduce evaporation, keeping the soil cool and moist during hot summers
  • Insulate roots from winter temperature extremes


The best time to apply mulch is in the spring and fall months.